My Little Miss Marin has no where to play..... What is a mother to do?
Well, with Mommy's design skills and Daddy's building skills I think she is covered!
We decided to turn our old, boring dog run into a play yard for Marin.
So... The Madness Begins.
What better inspiration for a little playhouse than the beloved home I grew up in in Ohio!
Here it is... in all it's glory, just like we left good ole Leith Street. I was recently contacted on facebook by the current owners letting me know they found the time capsule I made when I was ten. Funny Right? It brought back all the wonderful memories I had in that house and inspired me to create a replica for Marin's play yard.
This is what we are working with.. not much to see.
Day One. Laying the Deck. Dave and my Dad are two HANDY guys:)
Finished Deck.
Day Two. Framing It all out and adding the Windows.
A Happy Little Customer.. She is playing in it already!
Find the Free Play House Plans Here.
Day Three, Four, Five and Six. Siding and roofing.
Daddy poses for a Roof Shot.
We added a door we found from remnants in "as is" at Ikea, mailbox, house numbers, flower boxes from Biglots and fake flowers from the dollar store. But wait.... something is missing. Oh yes! The picket fence and flower bed full of real flowers.
Well............ Here it is..... the finished project!
I think our Little Marin is one happy customer!
No mail today?
Now what is a fancy playhouse with out a fabulous interior??
Take a peek inside, Marin will be your personal guide!
We got the stove on sale after Christmas last year at Sears. I make the sink from plans I found at
The pots and pans are from IKEA and accessories from the dollar store.
Hey good lookin' what ya got cookin'?
I made the curtians out of fabric scraps and dwell studio napkins from Target.
Who's coming for dinner?
What house would be complete without a family photo wall? Marin's last initial is surrounded by pictures of Mommy, Daddy and her best friend (cousin) Morgan.
Would you like to join me for a spot of tea?
Thanks for visiting my little house!
Too cute! Love the post!!
ReplyDeleteThis is perhaps the cutest thing ever! What a lucky little girl!
ReplyDeleteok this is just too adorable. Found this on Apartment Therapy just so you know. Nice job.
ReplyDeleteHave a great fabulously wonderful day! Sheryl
Adorable playhouse! Love that you made it yourself.