This year my profession really came in handy when it came time to gift giving! What else does your Aunt whom is an Interior Designer get you for Christmas?....... A new fancy room of course!
My sister's children are getting to that age when I am running out of ideas for Christmas presents. We like to refer to her boys as "Tweens" and I couldn't bring myself to buy them another video game that later I find out they never play it because they thought it was lame. My neice Morgan however..... well, she is pretty easy for me to peg since she has all the same interests I did as a little girl. But.... she needed a fancy room too!
As many of you know my sister relocated to Arizona from Ohio about a year ago. They just moved into a new rental home and landlord told her that she "could make it her own, paint...... whatever she wanted to do"
Well, You don't have to tell me twice... Let's do this!
First we are going to start with Morgan's room, she is a very creatively crafty 5 year old, who spends all of her free time coloring and gluing anything she can get her hands on.
So...... let's see what we have to work with here.
Needless to say, her gorgeous vertical blinds were the first thing to go!
I knew I wanted to create a space for Morgan where she wanted to be "creative", not that is a hard thing to do. I needed to keep my budget in check so I needed to get to crafting myself!
My inspiration for the color way was her comforter that we scored at Target last year on the clearance rack.
I pulled 3 colors from my Dunn Edwards paint deck:
DE5041 Sangria
DE5956 Pale Egg Plant
DE5013 Deep Magenta
Home Depot sells those small tubs of "tester" paint.
Well, that is all the paint I needed to paint her frame wall. they even had them on clearance for 1.00 a tub, TOTAL SCORE!
I knew Morgan needed a place to display all of her artwork, my sister's refrigerator is on overload, plus they are all suitable for a frame of course.
I started by painting a block of white paint on the wall for the base of the frame wall. I then hand painted a grey frame around that to finish the base.
I went online and Googled images of line drawing frames. I knew it would be tough coming up with so many off the top of my head. I meshed those ideas with my own and the photo wall started coming together. It was important to make my frames close to the size of the paper that she would be drawing on 8.5x11. I wanted to add some dimension to the wall so I added three of my own art pieces I made from melting crayons with a hairdryer until they dripped down a canvas.
I found a set of 3 canvases at Tuesday Morning for $9.99.
Melting crayons onto a blank canvas is all the rage right is all over the internet and now I finally had a reason to do it myself!
I hand painted all of the frames with a small paint brush and needless to say it was pretty time consuming. Thank goodness for my husband Dave.... he stepped in and helped me finish them up.
Next up, where all the Masterpieces are Created.
It's that time of year again when everything is on sale at JoAnn Fabrics... (My favorite time of year)
I found these letters for $1.49 each. I picked up some napkins at IKEA that were in the perfect colors for her room. My sister and I used a few to cover her letters and Modge Podged them on.
She must be starting a Thank You card for her favorite Aunt JoJo!
I found the cute little organizing cups on a convenient rack at Tuesday Morning for $9.99 each. The shelf is from IKEA and only cost me 9.00.
Now that the big projects were done it's time for the finishing touches.
I took some white drapes my sister had and added a couple bands of colored fabric to the top. |
Uncle Dave spray painted her easel to match her new room. I found this stool at Ikea for $5.99. |
I had this little flowerpot lying around so I spray painted it white and added some cute flowers from IKEA that I found for 1.00 each. |
And there I have it..... a happy customer who is ALREADY busy at work in her new room!
Stay tuned to see what I came up with for Micheal and Matthew's room
xoxo, Jo